Friday, March 12, 2010

What Would You Recommend? - Percy Jackson Series

This is a question I get asked all the time working in the bookstore: "What would you recommend for somebody who loved "_________"? (fill in the blank)" Usually I can come up with something, but that something can be a bit of a wild guess if it's not a book or genre I normally read. This is where you helpful people come in. If you have a suggestion, I'd love to hear it.

This week we're back to kids books. With the movie still in theatres, the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan is going strong in stores. Am I the only one who hasn't read the books yet (or seen the movie)?

So, once the last book in the series, Percy Jackson And The Last Olympian has been finished, what else might a reader like? I'm functioning on the assumption that the Harry Potter books have long since been read. There are just so many similar books coming out these days that I'm starting to lose track of which ones are especially good. Kids fantasy is really going strong these days with new books coming out all the time.

What else can I point out that Percy Jackson fans might really enjoy?


Unknown said...

Oooh! I can do this one. I have two suggestions: the Skullduggery Pleasant books by Derek Landy, and the Alcatraz books by Brandon Sanderson. Both are fun, funny, full of action, and well-written. The Alcatraz books have a slightly different style of narration that will appeal to some and may not appeal to others. Both series are ongoing, and are really quite a lot of fun in their own ways.

J.T. Oldfield said...

I just finished Lightning Thief. Besides the obvious ones, like Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, etc., and some really good books on mythology (D'Aulaires), I'd say Odd and the Frost Giants, and, though I haven't read this one yet, The Wednesday Wars.

Elena said...

What did you think of the book?


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